662-705-4078 hubert@lveydi.com



Louisville Voter Education & Youth Development along with Winston County Self Help Co-op came together to host a fire safety workshop. Louisville Fire Department Chief Hutto along with other firemen talked with youths and young adults about fire safety in your home.

Rules to Remember: If there is a fire, leave home immediately. Do not go back into the home. Feel the door before you open it. Stay low to keep from inhaling smoke. Follow your escape plan. Call 911 after you are a safe distance away from your home.

You should be prepared: Create and practice your fire escape plan and make sure everyone knows where to go.  Always have a place to meet outside that is a safe distance away from your home.  All participants were given a paper to carry home to draw their escape plan. Test your smoke alarms to make sure they are working. If your clothes catch on fire…. Stop! Drop! And Roll! The youths demonstrated this procedure for good practice.

Practice a home fire drill with your family during the day and at night.  You should try escaping in minutes. Sometimes that is all the time you will have to get out of the house safely.


Safety Rules: You should be careful with space heaters by plugging them directly into the socket. Children should not play with matches Everyone had the opportunity to get on the fire truck and look inside as the fireman explained several aspects of the tools on the truck. The host took pictures of the youths and the Firefighters.

Refreshment was prepared for everyone by Jean Harper and Bettye Cooper.

At the end of the presentation the Firefighters gave the youths some good advice to remember.

Fire Safety Is All About Keeping You Safe.