662-705-4078 hubert@lveydi.com

Louisville Voter Education & Youth Development, Black Voters Matter, & the NAACP partnered in a joint effort the City of Louisville and Winston County to increase voter participation and get out to vote rally. We are reaching out to eligible and unregistered voters. With the election just around the corner, our goal is to make sure voters know the issues and candidate. This in turn will increase our numbers at the poll. We have been doing face-to-face canvassing and phone banking. We have also held voter registration drives in different areas of the county. All workers gave words of encouragement to those who are registered voters but do not vote. Also, we put emphasis on the fact that Every Vote Counts and One Vote Can Make a Difference. All workers were making sure that voters know where they are supposed to vote this coming election with the new redistricting of the county. All organizations will continue to do canvassing, phone banking, voter registration and voter education until the election. We are hoping this will be effective in our communities. Volunteers are always welcome to help us achieve our goals.